Studies of the impact of climate change on overheating in hospitals and on controlling indoor temperatures and air quality received Bronze awards from CIBSE President John Field at the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) President’s Awards 2016.
The Carter Bronze Medal was awarded to C Alan Short (University of Cambridge), Giridharan Rengenethan (University of Kent) and LoLo CDT Director Kevin J Lomas (Loughborough University) for their paper “A medium-rise 1970s maternity hospital in the east of England: Resilience and adaptation to climate change”, whilst the Napier Shaw Medal was awarded to UCL Institute of Environmental Design and Engineering & UCL-Energy researchers Jonathan Taylor, Mike Davies, Phil Biddulph, Eleni Oikononmou, Clive Shrubsole and Anna Mavrogianni for their paper entitled “Understanding and mitigating overheating and indoor PM2.5 risks using coupled temperature and indoor air quality models”.
The medals were presented at the President’s dinner held on 14 October 2016 at the Institution of Civil Engineers on Great George St. London. Kevin Lomas (Loughborough) and Jonathan Taylor (UCL) collected the medals, and enjoyed the dinner on behalf of their respective authoring teams.
Read the paper “A medium-rise 1970s maternity hospital in the east of England: Resilience and adaptation to climate change”
Read the paper “Understanding and mitigating overheating and indoor PM2.5 risks using coupled temperature and indoor air quality models”