The London – Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand offers a four year programme which combines a one year Master of Research (MRes) followed by a three year doctorate (PhD).
The programme is designed to provide you with a solid grounding in the knowledge area of energy demand in the built environment and to develop your advanced research skills to enable high quality PhD research. This programme is much more than a Masters programme and PhD. It is designed to broaden your horizons and empower and support you in developing and conducting viable creative explorations into the energy demand knowledge area.
You are encouraged to take an active role in the development and growth of the student community and the programme will be interspersed with a wide range of activities including seminars, conferences, taking part in community and industry outreach, field trips, placements and an Annual Colloquium. The centre will provide a strong shared and collaborative experience for the body of students across both institutions.
Research from the word “go”
The first year of the programme (MRes) is an intensive taught course which differs from a normal Master of Science (MSc) degree in its emphasis on research. Students will carry out a series of research projects which will ultimately enable them to embark on their PhD programme with confidence.