The Energy Demand in Practice group at UCL organise a series of seminars about careers for PhD and Masters students each academic year. The first of which will take place on Monday 21 November.
Maximising the career value of your PhD
Three recent LoLo PhD graduates from the UCL and Loughborough will tell us about their roles, and give us their tips about planning for future careers during a PhD. Between them they cover a range of roles in government, industry and academia. Jenny Love has worked for 2 years at a low carbon consultancy before returning to UCL as a Research Associate. Richard Jack now works at Wilmott Dixon Energy Services following a year as a Research Associate and Peter Warren joined the Department of Energy and Climate Change (now BEIS) after he completed his PhD in 2015.
About the EDiP Seminar Series
Energy Demand in Practice is a student-led seminar series based in the UCL Energy Institute focussing on the different roles and opportunities available within the energy demand field. The aim of the seminars is to explore the range of career paths that are available to PhD graduates, providing students and other early career researchers with inspiration, advice and networking opportunities.
Monday 21 November 2016
18:00 – 20:00 GMT
Jevons Room, Central House
14 Upper Woburn Place
London WC1H 0NN