The London – Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand (LoLo CDT) is the premier centre for energy demand research in the built environment in the UK.
The EPSRC LoLo CDT will inspire the leaders and innovators needed to transform the UK’s buildings and energy sector. LoLo is funded to train a large student cohort to address our skills shortage. Our graduates are expected to take senior roles throughout the economy.
Hosted by the UCL Energy Institute and Loughborough University, the Centre’s core focus is the energy performance of buildings- their technologies, and multiple interactions with people and the wider energy system.
Both UCL and Loughborough University have a commitment to cross-faculty collaboration in energy research that enables the centre to offer truly innovative, multi-disciplinary training.
The Centre was set up as a Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in 2009 with funding from EPSRC for 40 studentships. In November 2014 it was announced that the LoLo CDT was successful in our submission for the renewal of funding. The Centre will deliver up to 60 additional studentships over the next eight years. Topics will address new challenges within five themes: technology and systems, energy epidemiology, urban scale energy demand, building performance and process and unintended consequences.
We aim to create a unique vibrant, student-focussed environment. Students will join active research groups, supporting a wide range of projects, with ample opportunities to engage with leading researchers, industry and policy makers.
LoLo Director Professor Bob Lowe commented on the recent renewal, “This will be key to delivering UK policies around climate change, energy security and fuel poverty. Training will consist of a highly successful Masters of Research and PhD programme, with students working in world-class research teams on real-world problems, with partners in industry, government and NGOs.”
Current LoLo students also welcomed the news, PhD student Mike Fell, based at UCL-Energy said: “It is fantastic news that the LoLo CDT rebid has been successful. As part of the CDT I draw on training and support provided through the collaboration with Loughborough University, as well as a wide range of more general events hosted by UCL Energy Institute. Moreover, being surrounded by fellow PhD students at similar stages and working in varied but related fields means there is always someone to share experiences with.”