Support and share in our groundbreaking research – How your organisation can benefit from cutting edge research on energy demand in the built environment
The London – Loughborough Centre for Doctoral Research in Energy Demand, or LoLo, is the premier centre for energy demand research in the built environment in the UK whose aim is to help deliver deep reductions in CO2 emissions by 2050 through an innovative, multi- disciplinary, high impact research programme.
Sponsoring a student is an ideal opportunity for your organisation to be involved in creating and driving a research project tailored to your own company’s development needs, with access to world class research and expertise in energy demand in the built environment. We have always had strong stakeholder support for LoLo but the new programme, which commenced in 2014, allows us to actively engage with stakeholders as Partners who can jointly shape and direct the course of the research undertaken by our students.
Benefits of becoming a partner include:
- cost effective mechanism to get involved in relevant leading edge research;
- opportunity to co-develop research projects that are of real technical & commercial significance with students spending at least three months on a placement at your organisation;
- opportunity to explore novel research collaborations & strengthen current partnerships;
- access to world-leading expertise in energy demand in buildings research;
- access to graduates who possess excellent academic and professional track records who are highly committed to solving real world research problems;
- access to highly employable graduates with strong technical knowledge & professional skills training;
- potential for relief or credit on your corporation tax bill for the R&D costs;
- being part of an extended network of Centres for Doctoral Training across the UK, with £350m investment by EPSRC to train the research leaders of the future.
We have an established Advisory Board representing all main groups of stakeholders, with international membership, which meets twice per year.
Our Advisory Board includes representatives from organisations such as AECOM, CIBSE, EDF-R&D, Willmott Dixon Energy Services Ltd and others.
See the people section for full board membership including biographies.
If you would like to find out more or you are interested in getting involved please get in touch with Alison Parker.
Our research themes
– Building & system performance: the field performance of buildings & components (new build/retrofit) & its relationship to context, systems & communities of practice
– Energy epidemiology data analysis: studying energy use in populations of buildings to develop & evaluate polices & technologies
– Energy demand at the intersection of buildings & transport – within the context of smart & sustainable cities
– People & buildings
– Technologies & systems: demand-side technologies in the whole system context
– Urban scale: buildings & technologies in the urban scale context
– Unintended Consequence: including overheating, moisture problems & rebound
What does it cost?
At present we are seeking a contribution of £30,000 over the four year period of the MRes and the PhD. This contribution represents less than 30% of the £100,000 total direct cost of PhD research
“To obtain a competitive advantage and better protect their brand, enlightened industry players are seeking to embed an understanding of energy use, carbon emissions reductions and energy demand performance in their organisation and their products / services. This requires a high level of technical resource, including appropriately trained PhD’s. LoLo is at the forefront of addressing this skills gap”.
David Adams Technical Director Willmott Dixon Energy Services Chair, LoLo Advisory Board