Rami El Geneidy, a second-year LoLo PhD student in Loughborough University has recently successfully published his research in Applied Energy, one of the high-impact journals within the field of energy research.
The paper, titled Contracted energy flexibility characteristics of communities: Analysis of a control strategy for demand response, was published as an open access article.
The research was about exploring the ability of novel predictive control strategies to unlock flexibility potential in buildings for demand response and finding the factors that characterise this flexibility potential. As renewable energy sources become more common it is expected that the future energy system will need increasing amounts of demand-side flexibility to cope with variations in energy production, something which buildings can provide. The research found that the energy flexibility potential of buildings is characterised by ‘the buildings and their systems, the physical and contractual environment and behaviour and preferences of occupants.’
The publishing process very challenging but the feedback and comments received during the process werre extremely helpful to shape future research and creating a good quality thesis chapter of the research outcomes.
The paper can be found here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261920301124