The fifth Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Technical Symposium took place at the University College London in London from 16 to17 April 2015.
The 2015 Symposium was titled “Simple buildings, better buildings? Delivering performance through engineered solutions”. A large number of leading experts both from academia and industry presented over 50 papers, posters and case studies which aimed to answer various questions regarding the unnecessary complexity of buildings.
The CIBSE Natural Ventilation Group sponsored one of the sessions, which included presentations on cutting edge research in natural ventilation. Within this session, Professor Malcolm Cook gave a presentation regarding the effectiveness of passive cooling strategies in Plus-Energy houses.
This presentation was based on the MRes dissertations of two Loughborough LoLo students, Francesco Babich and George Papachristou under the supervision of Professor Cook. Francesco and George investigated the performance of two passive cooling strategies used in a plus-energy house located in Stuttgart using both dynamic thermal modelling (DTM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Professor Jan Cremers of Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences also contributed significantly to this study.
More information about Francesco’s and George’s work can be found here and here, while the paper presented during the CIBSE Technical Symposium can be found here.