New knowledge, inventions and insights begin with an idea, but without further research and, very often funding, ideas can remain just that: they are not examined critically, their potential value in not tested, and thus their benefits to society are not realised.
A Feasibility Account (FA), recently funded by the Engineering and Physical Science, provides £160k for researchers at Loughborough to embark on innovative proof-of-concept studies to develop their bright ideas. They will focus on three key areas:
The low carbon society: including the use of energy in buildings; alternative energy sources, especially renewable energy technologies; government policy, social attitudes and motivations; and the role of the media and other information vehicles.
People, systems and buildings: reducing energy demand and increased energy efficiency for providing heat, cooling and light to building occupants – with the emphasis on meeting occupant needs through innovation, ICT applications, and novel people-centred design.
Comfort, climate and demographics: the implications of the combined effects of climate change and shifts in demographics and lifestyles, on resource demands, health and well-being.
Operated by the Building Energy Research Group, and harnessing the pan-university connections forged by the Sustainability Research School, the FA will fund around 10 short projects that will develop ideas into a research-ready state by elucidating the pathway from technical potential through to financial viability and social acceptability.
The Feasibility Account builds on and will strengthen the Loughborough culture of cross-disciplinary working.