Industrialised economies face three major energy challenges: climate change, energy affordability and security of supply. Over 40% of the UK’s energy demand, and carbon emissions, is associated with the operation of buildings, yet there is much that can be done to improve our built environment and how people interact with it.
Energy demand in buildings is a complex socio-technical problem which must be better understood if we are to deliver UK CO2 targets. However, the sector faces a skills shortage and we need more highly qualified graduates to work in government, industry, NGOs and academia
The London – Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand (LoLo CDT) brings together two leading energy demand research universities, UCL and Loughborough University. Both are “Centres of Excellence in Sustainable Building Design”, awarded by the Royal Academy of Engineering. LoLo is funded to train a large student cohort to address the skills shortage. Graduates are expected to take senior roles throughout the economy.
We provide a highly regarded PhD training programme: including opportunities to work with leading researchers, placements with industry and a comprehensive skills and development programme. Applicants will have good degrees from diverse backgrounds, reflecting our multidisciplinary research; previous experience of energy and buildings is not required.
LoLo provides an inclusive and stimulating environment to pursue research, we welcome applications from all, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity and social background. We encourage those from groups that are traditionally not well represented in buildings research to apply.
Applications are now open for 2018/19. We are offering fully funded studentships for entry into the 2018/19 academic year. Please Note this is a rolling recruitment round and we will be accepting applications until the positions are filled.
UCL Studentship projects: Blockchain enabled peer-to-peer energy flexibility trading
Loughborough University PhD Topics
Follow our Twitter feed @LoLoCDT for further updates on specific Studentship projects related to our Centre.
Please see our join us section for further details and how to apply.
Why apply
You will join active research groups, supporting a wide range of projects, in a unique student-focused environment with ample opportunities to engage with leading researchers, industry and policy makers.
Our four-year funded PhD programme combines a one year Master of Research (MRes) and a three year doctorate (PhD). This structure builds a firm foundation of skills, knowledge and research experience, steadily progressing into world-leading research.
The MRes covers thermodynamics, energy systems in the built environment, energy modelling and analysis, social sciences, policy, and energy economics.
PhDs will be individually tailored and matched to our core strengths.
As part of your studies, you will gain business and innovation skills; project and programme management skills; teamwork, communication and leadership skills; and the ability to seek solutions to complex, multi-faceted problems.
You will receive a tax free highly competitive stipend plus UK/EU fees for four years (conditions apply) and have access to a generous research budget.
“The LoLo CDT has been a challenging and engaging experience thus far. It has been particularly rewarding applying my knowledge of physical laws to situations which are far from ideal laboratory conditions. Understanding the counterintuitive nature of data which result from systems which sit at the boundary of human behaviour and physics is highly enjoyable. The fact that the research takes place in the context of the necessity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions only serves to underscore its importance. Very few disciplines can boast such a fascinating mix of intellectual engagement and global importance.”
Harry Kennard, UCL Energy Institute
“I really like how the CDT programme is structured. The MRes is an excellent way to prepare students for the PhD, giving them all the necessary information on how carry out research and allowing them to start the PhD with confidence. This is particularly helpful for students coming from abroad, who studied in a different university system.”
Matej Gustin, Loughborough University
“The MRes in Energy Demand Studies at UCL synthesises current energy demand issues and provides an opportunity to explore the issues from a multi-disciplinary angle and at different scales. It is a privilege to have been taught by the very best in the field and this combined with the nature of the taught element in small groups, supported with regular seminars and tutorials, allowed me to engage at an advanced intellectual level. As a student, we also have access to staff’s expertise and opportunities to draw on the UCL Energy Institute’s research projects and data, supporting our own research interests and pursuits. The programme in particular provides a strong basis to become an independent researcher in the field.” Sofie Pelsmakers UCL Energy Insitute