The London-Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand offers a four year programme which combines a one year Master of Research (MRes) in Energy Demand Studies followed by a three year doctorate (PhD).
MRes Dissertation Projects
The first year of the programme is an intensive taught course which differs from a normal Master of Science degree in its emphasis on research. Students will carry out a series of research projects, including a research dissertation which spans the entire academic year.
View MRes Dissertation Projects
PhD Projects
Please note the projects on the site have been developed by our current students. New students will develop a suitable PhD research proposal with help from the Centre Directors and Academic Managers at UCL and Loughborough University during the first MRes year.
View PhD Projects
W6UP5 – Life in the gap: how does a construction company respond to the challenge of targets for energy and carbon in-use?
Read moreLife in the gap: how does a construction company respond to the challenge of targets for energy and carbon in-use? Catherine Willan, UCL Energy Institute Background to the research: Buildings…
W5LP2 – Design Of An Advanced Cooling Tower For A Solar Decathlon House In Southern Europe
Read moreDesign Of An Advanced Cooling Tower For A Solar Decathlon House In Southern Europe Francesco Babich, Loughborough Aim To develop an advanced cooling tower for use in southern European homes…
W7UP10 – Experienced Temperature and Health
Read moreExperienced temperature and Health Harry Kennard, UCL Energy Institute Heating and hot water demand account for around 40% of total UK energy demand. Cutting emissions from heating is essential if the…
W3UP1 – What role for home energy monitors in primary school energy education?
Read moreWhat role for home energy monitors in primary school energy education? Mike Fell, UCL Introduction My research is employing focus groups with children, parents/guardians and teachers to find out what…
W4LP1 Can dynamic thermal models reliably predict home energy demands; empirical validation and uncertainty analysis?
Read moreCan dynamic thermal models reliably predict home energy demands; empirical validation and uncertainty analysis? Ozlem Duran Loughborough University The purpose of the project is to search the accuracy of…
W2UP12 – Error & Uncertainty in whole house heat loss (Co-Heating) measurements
Read moreError & Uncertainty in whole house heat loss (Co-Heating) measurements Samuel Stamp, UCL Project Abstract The so-called performance gap between designed and as-built building performance threatens to undermine carbon reduction…
W5UP12 – Energy efficiency in the UK private rented sector: government policy and landlords’ practices
Read moreEnergy efficiency in the UK private rented sector: government policy and landlords’ practices Zareen Sethna, UCL Energy Institute Overview The context of energy efficiency in the private rented sector There…
W3LP3 – Minimising excessive winter energy consumption in Victorian classrooms while maintaining acceptable indoor air quality
Read moreMinimising excessive winter energy consumption in Victorian classrooms while maintaining acceptable indoor air quality Sven Hallin, Loughborough University Abstract This project presents an assessment of how to minimise excessive winter…
W7LP6 – PhD project: Modelling of integrated community energy systems
Read moreModelling of integrated community energy systems Kostas Chasapis, Loughborough Summary The concept of collective actions to reduce, purchase, manage and generate energy is becoming more and more popular. Such systems…
Hygrothermal characterisation of in-situ solid brick walls and the impacts of internal wall insulation
Read moreby Naomi Grint, UCL Energy Institute Internal wall insulation (IWI) is among the most effective retrofit strategies, but there is uncertainty surrounding moisture risk. This research addresses the need for long…
W2UP4 -Occupant Evaluation and Energy Performance Analysis of Barbican Estate Dwellings
Read moreOccupant Evaluation and Energy Performance Analysis of Barbican Estate Dwellings Carrie Behar, UCL PROJECT INTRODUCTION A post-occupancy evaluation of 2056 residential dwellings was carried out at the Grade II Listed…
W8LP2 – Predicting Household Electricity Demand Profiles from Measurements (MRes project)
Read morePredicting Household Electricity Demand Profiles from Measurements Matthew Li, Loughborough Background and Context Relationships between household characteristics and overall electricity consumption have been widely investigated (Jones & Lomas, 2015; Huebner…
W2LP16 – How Smart are 2050 Energy Scenarios Expecting Households to be?
Read moreHow Smart are 2050 Energy Scenarios Expecting Households to be? Daniel Quiggin, Loughborough University The basic idea is to quantify the expectation we have as a society for households to…
W7UP9 Heat pumps for domestic heating: A techno-economic exploration of comparative advantages of individual scale versus district level.
Read moreHeat pumps for domestic heating: A techno-economic exploration of comparative advantages of individual scale versus district level. Zack (Zhikun Wang), UCL Energy Institute Summary Heating is the most important component…
W2UP17 – Can Central Heating Installers Influence Householders’ Habitual Space Heating Practices?
Read moreCan Central Heating Installers Influence Householders’ Habitual Space Heating Practices? Faye Wade, UCL Context: This research investigates the installation process of central heating systems, and how this influences the adoption…
W8UP1 The temporal and spatial variability of ventilation rate in an occupied case-study dwelling
Read moreThe temporal and spatial variability of ventilation rate in an occupied case-study dwelling Jessica Few, UCL Energy Institute Overview The ventilation rate in an occupied dwelling is important both for…
W5LP3 – Reducing the Operation Performance Gap – improving building simulation tools through data-driven and real-time approaches
Read moreReducing the Operation Performance Gap – improving building simulation tools through data-driven and real-time approaches George Papachristou, Loughborough University Project Summary The existing building stock continues to have high greenhouse…
W5UP7 – The impacts of project scale, scope and risk allocation on financial returns for clients and contractors in Energy Performance Contracts – a stochastic modelling analysis
Read moreThe impacts of project scale, scope and risk allocation on financial returns for clients and contractors in Energy Performance Contracts – a stochastic modelling analysis Pamela Fennell, UCL Energy Institute Overview With a…
W4LP6 Optimised Retrofit Strategies for Post-War Non-Domestic Buildings
Read moreOptimised Retrofit Strategies for Post-War Non-Domestic Buildings Ozlem Duran, Loughborough University The aim of the project is to optimise the retrofitprocess of post-war non-domestic modernist buildings focusing specifically on office…
W2UP7 – How can high-resolution temperature traces be used to assess building thermal performance?
Read moreHow can high-resolution temperature traces be used to assess building thermal performance? David Veitch, UCL David Veitch talks about this project: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In the context of UK…