The London-Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand offers a four year programme which combines a one year Master of Research (MRes) in Energy Demand Studies followed by a three year doctorate (PhD).
MRes Dissertation Projects
The first year of the programme is an intensive taught course which differs from a normal Master of Science degree in its emphasis on research. Students will carry out a series of research projects, including a research dissertation which spans the entire academic year.
View MRes Dissertation Projects
PhD Projects
Please note the projects on the site have been developed by our current students. New students will develop a suitable PhD research proposal with help from the Centre Directors and Academic Managers at UCL and Loughborough University during the first MRes year.
View PhD Projects
W2UP6 -Assessing the suitability of data sources for input into European energy demand forecast models
Read moreAssessing the suitability of data sources for input into European energy demand forecast models Ed Sharp, UCL Energy demand forecast models were first created as a result of the…
W2UP2 – Simulating heat pump performance in dwellings
Read moreSimulating heat pump performance in dwellings David Samuel, UCL MRes EDS Context In the transition to a low carbon economy, air source heat pumps will be a critical demand…
W4LP9 – Simulating the Impact of HVAC Control Strategies on Supermarket Energy Use
Read moreSimulating the Impact of HVAC Control Strategies on Supermarket Energy Use Henry Witt, Loughborough University Background: The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system in a typical supermarket is responsible…
W1UP4 – Understanding the interactions between occupants, heating systems and building fabric in the context of retrofit of social housing
Read moreUnderstanding the interactions between occupants, heating systems and building fabric in the context of retrofit of social housing Jenny Love, UCL (above animation: visualisation of data collected while monitoring occupant…
W3UP4 – A study of heat-loss in pre-1919 suspended timber ground floors
Read moreA study of heat-loss in pre-1919 suspended timber ground floors Sofie Pelsmakers, UCL The UK building stock is responsible for about 40%-55% of the total UK CO2emissions (Mackenzie, 2010, CAT,…
W7UP1 – Pilot Study: Developing a simple model to estimate whole house heat loss which requires minimal input measurements
Read morePilot Study: Developing a simple model to estimate whole dwelling heat loss which requires minimal input measurements Frances Hollick, UCL Energy Institute Overview A key obstacle to effectively reducing emissions…
W5UP1 – A Probabilistic Analysis of the Factors Affecting Returns for Clients and ESCOs in Schools Energy Retrofit Projects
Read moreA Probabilistic Analysis of the Factors Affecting Returns for Clients and ESCOs in Schools Energy Retrofit Projects Pamela Fennell, UCL Energy Institute Overview Although an extensive body of literature exists discussing the market conditions…
W7LP6 – PhD project: Modelling of integrated community energy systems
Read moreModelling of integrated community energy systems Kostas Chasapis, Loughborough Summary The concept of collective actions to reduce, purchase, manage and generate energy is becoming more and more popular. Such systems…
W7UP7 – Developing a dynamic model to estimate whole building heat loss which requires minimal input measurements
Read moreDeveloping a dynamic model to estimate whole building heat loss which requires minimal input measurements Frances Hollick, UCL Energy Institute Overview Greenhouse gas emissions from domestic buildings contribute significantly to…
W5UP9 – A novel method for the estimation of thermophysical properties of walls from short and seasonal-independent in-situ surveys
Read moreA novel method for the estimation of thermophysical properties of walls from short and seasonal-independent in-situ surveys Virginia Gori, UCL Several studies have shown a performance gap between the published…
Loughborough University celebrates another PhD success
Read moreLoughborough University is pleased to announce that LoLo student, Dan Wright, passed his viva (with minor corrections) in January 2021. The LoLo community congratulates Dan, whose Thesis title was ‘The…
W8UP3 Impact of data availability and model complexity on prediction of energy consumption in Camden schools
Read moreImpact of data availability and model complexity on prediction of energy consumption in Camden schools Duncan Grassie, UCL Energy Institute Overview Energy demand in non-domestic buildings is responsible for around a…
W8LP4 – MRes Project “Cooling Culture: The identification of, and barriers to, adaptive responses to domestic overheating”
Read moreCooling Culture: The identification of, and barriers to, adaptive responses to domestic overheating Daniel Wright, Loughborough University Overview The trend towards hotter summers and warmer winters is predicted to increase…
W6LP5 – Ventilation and thermal comfort in UK homes: can we maintain indoor air quality and reduce the threat of future air-conditioning of UK homes?
Read moreVentilation and thermal comfort in UK homes: can we maintain indoor air quality and reduce the threat of future air-conditioning of UK homes? Ben Roberts, Loughborough Summary As we refurbish…
W3LP6 – Assessing long-term actual daylighting performance of classrooms in-use
Read moreAssessing long-term actual daylighting performance of classrooms in-use Nafsika Drosou CONTEXT In the international effort to reduce carbon emissions, attention has been brought to obtaining energy from renewable sources. Daylight…
W7LP1 – MRes project “Natural Ventilation in Schools: Window Design and Performance”
Read moreNatural Ventilation in Schools: Window Design and Performance Charalampos Angelopoulos, Loughborough Natural ventilation is considered a sustainable solution to maintain healthy and thermally comfortable internal environments. Previous studies have shown…
W7UP5 – Understanding the causes of performance issues in buildings; a student accommodation post-occupancy evaluation case study
Read moreUnderstanding the causes of performance issues in buildings; a student accommodation post-occupancy evaluation case study Anthony Marsh, UCL Energy Institute Summary The in-use performance of a student accommodation development was evaluated. This was done…
UCL congratulates another PhD Success
Read moreThe LoLo community has certainly been active during the pandemic. Several of our finishing researchers passed their final examinations, which means a huge congratulations is in order for Anthony Marsh on…
W8UP7 The Future Role of District Heating
Read moreThe Future Role of District Heating in Great Britain Salman Siddiqui, UCL Energy Institute Overview Several options exist to decarbonise the provision of heat in the built environment, some which include…
W8UP1 The temporal and spatial variability of ventilation rate in an occupied case-study dwelling
Read moreThe temporal and spatial variability of ventilation rate in an occupied case-study dwelling Jessica Few, UCL Energy Institute Overview The ventilation rate in an occupied dwelling is important both for…