The London-Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand offers a four year programme which combines a one year Master of Research (MRes) in Energy Demand Studies followed by a three year doctorate (PhD).
MRes Dissertation Projects
The first year of the programme is an intensive taught course which differs from a normal Master of Science degree in its emphasis on research. Students will carry out a series of research projects, including a research dissertation which spans the entire academic year.
View MRes Dissertation Projects
PhD Projects
Please note the projects on the site have been developed by our current students. New students will develop a suitable PhD research proposal with help from the Centre Directors and Academic Managers at UCL and Loughborough University during the first MRes year.
View PhD Projects
W4LP3 – The effect of thermal mass and intermittent occupation upon energy demand in student halls of residence
Read moreThe effect of thermal mass and intermittent occupation on energy demand in student halls of residence Vicki Tink, Loughborough University This research explores the relationship between intermittent occupancy in a…
W3LP7 – A study of the economic incentives associated with UK household energy usage
Read moreA study of the economic incentives associated with UK household energy usage Sven Hallin, Loughborough Aim: To assess how price “formats” influence energy demand in residential property. Objectives: 1. a)…
UCL congratulates another PhD Success
Read moreThe LoLo community has certainly been active during the pandemic. Several of our finishing researchers passed their final examinations, which means a huge congratulations is in order for Anthony Marsh on…
W2LP3 – Delivering energy efficiency in the UK through Domestic Energy Service Companies (DESCOs)
Read moreDelivering energy efficiency in the UK through Domestic Energy Service Companies (DESCOs) Charlie Morris-Marsham, UCL Research Questions: What are the barriers to domestic energy efficiency? Can these barriers be addressed…
W7LP3 – MRes project “High surface temperatures on artificial sport pitches: Potential for design improvement”
Read moreHigh surface temperatures on artificial sport pitches: Potential for design improvement Matej Gustin, Loughborough University Overview High surface temperatures are currently the main issue affecting artificial sport pitches. Numerous sources in…
UCL congratulates another PhD success
Read moreThe LoLo community congratulates Dr Frances Hollick on passing her viva (with minor corrections) in the Summer of 2020. Frances, like many of our LoLo students and staff, remained active in…
W5UP11 What about demand-side response? Using behavioural economics to boost consumer switching rates to time-of-use electricity tariffs – evidence from field experiments
Read moreWhat about demand-side response? Using behavioural economics to boost consumer switching rates to time-of-use electricity tariffs – evidence from field experiments Moira Nicolson, UCL Energy Institute Overview My research involves…
W2LP13 – Building Diagnostics: Practical Measurement of the Fabric Thermal Performance of Houses
Read moreBuilding Diagnostics: Practical Measurement of the Fabric Thermal Performance of Houses Richard Jack, Loughborough University The research in this PhD seeks to make widespread measurement of whole-house thermal performance a…
W8UP4 Inter-model comparison of indoor overheating risk prediction for English dwellings
Read moreInter-model comparison of indoor overheating risk prediction for English dwellings Giorgos Petrou, UCL Energy Institute Theory: Overheating may be qualitatively described as the state under which a dwelling’s occupants may feel…
W3UP5 – Taking Charge: Perceived control and acceptability of domestic demand-side response
Read moreTaking Charge: Perceived control and acceptability of domestic demand-side response Mike Fell, UCL Introduction Domestic electricity demand-side response (DSR) programmes aim to influence when electricity is used in people’s homes,…
W3UP7 – Understanding hospital electricity use: an end-use(r) perspective
Read moreUnderstanding hospital electricity use: an end-use(r) perspective Paula Morgenstern, UCL Abstract Increasing energy costs and climate change legislation have prompted efforts to reduce energy consumption in hospitals. In addition to…
W7LP7 – PhD project “Predicting overheating risk in UK homes”
Read morePredicting overheating risk in UK homes Matej Gustin, Loughborough University Introduction Overheating in UK homes is a recognised existing problem for UK house builders, homeowners, landlords and tenants. Climate change…
W2LP15 – Domestic Thermal Energy Storage: A study of the present and future benefits and impacts
Read moreDomestic Thermal Energy Storage: A study of the present and future benefits and impacts Joynal Abedin, Loughborough Introduction Reducing our dependence on fossil fuel and increasing the uptake of Renewable…
W7UP4 – Power temperature gradients as a fuel poverty indicator
Read morePower temperature gradients as a fuel poverty indicator Harry Kennard, UCL Energy Institute Overview Plotting the metered energy of a dwelling against external temperature gives an indication of the thermal performance…
W2UP1 – Investigating occupant’s perception of the functionality of the heating and cooling system and the usability of its controls
Read moreInvestigating occupant’s perception of the functionality of the heating and cooling system and the usability of its controls Lisa Gobio-Thomas, UCL MRes EDS Achievement: I submitted a paper on…
W4LP1 Can dynamic thermal models reliably predict home energy demands; empirical validation and uncertainty analysis?
Read moreCan dynamic thermal models reliably predict home energy demands; empirical validation and uncertainty analysis? Ozlem Duran Loughborough University The purpose of the project is to search the accuracy of…
W2UP8 – Are shared lighting controls in an open-plan office a potential source of conflict?
Read moreAre shared lighting controls in an open-plan office a potential source of conflict? Faye Wade, UCL Background: Occupants are often expected to share control in open-plan spaces. However, the energy…
W4LP7 – Prediction of the Summertime Overheating Risk in UK Homes Using Descriptive Time Series Analysis
Read morePrediction of the Summertime Overheating Risk in UK Homes Using Descriptive Time Series Analysis Argyris Oraiopoulos, Loughborough University Introduction This study is based on an extensive data set of 228…
W6UP5 – Life in the gap: how does a construction company respond to the challenge of targets for energy and carbon in-use?
Read moreLife in the gap: how does a construction company respond to the challenge of targets for energy and carbon in-use? Catherine Willan, UCL Energy Institute Background to the research: Buildings…
W4LP9 – Simulating the Impact of HVAC Control Strategies on Supermarket Energy Use
Read moreSimulating the Impact of HVAC Control Strategies on Supermarket Energy Use Henry Witt, Loughborough University Background: The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system in a typical supermarket is responsible…