The London-Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand offers a four year programme which combines a one year Master of Research (MRes) in Energy Demand Studies followed by a three year doctorate (PhD).
MRes Dissertation Projects
The first year of the programme is an intensive taught course which differs from a normal Master of Science degree in its emphasis on research. Students will carry out a series of research projects, including a research dissertation which spans the entire academic year.
View MRes Dissertation Projects
PhD Projects
Please note the projects on the site have been developed by our current students. New students will develop a suitable PhD research proposal with help from the Centre Directors and Academic Managers at UCL and Loughborough University during the first MRes year.
View PhD Projects
W4LP10 – Shifting the timing of energy demand: Developing a novel modelling framework to quantify the demand response potential of domestic appliances in UK homes
Read moreShifting the timing of energy demand: Developing a novel modelling framework to quantify the demand response potential of domestic appliances in UK homes This study aims to present a high-resolution…
W2LP13 – Building Diagnostics: Practical Measurement of the Fabric Thermal Performance of Houses
Read moreBuilding Diagnostics: Practical Measurement of the Fabric Thermal Performance of Houses Richard Jack, Loughborough University The research in this PhD seeks to make widespread measurement of whole-house thermal performance a…
W6LP5 – Ventilation and thermal comfort in UK homes: can we maintain indoor air quality and reduce the threat of future air-conditioning of UK homes?
Read moreVentilation and thermal comfort in UK homes: can we maintain indoor air quality and reduce the threat of future air-conditioning of UK homes? Ben Roberts, Loughborough Summary As we refurbish…
W1UP4 – Understanding the interactions between occupants, heating systems and building fabric in the context of retrofit of social housing
Read moreUnderstanding the interactions between occupants, heating systems and building fabric in the context of retrofit of social housing Jenny Love, UCL (above animation: visualisation of data collected while monitoring occupant…
W7LP3 – MRes project “High surface temperatures on artificial sport pitches: Potential for design improvement”
Read moreHigh surface temperatures on artificial sport pitches: Potential for design improvement Matej Gustin, Loughborough University Overview High surface temperatures are currently the main issue affecting artificial sport pitches. Numerous sources in…
W8LP2 – Predicting Household Electricity Demand Profiles from Measurements (MRes project)
Read morePredicting Household Electricity Demand Profiles from Measurements Matthew Li, Loughborough Background and Context Relationships between household characteristics and overall electricity consumption have been widely investigated (Jones & Lomas, 2015; Huebner…
W2UP3 – Co-heating Tests in the Field and Laboratory
Read moreCo-heating Tests in the Field and Laboratory Samuel Stamp, UCL Energy Institute Overview A co-heating test is a method of measuring the whole building heat loss or heat loss coefficient…
W3LP2 – Can Indoor Air Quality In Victorian Classrooms Satisfy Government Stipulated Requirements?
Read moreSatisfy Government Stipulated Requirements? Nafsika Drosou, Loughborough University
WPUP3 – Can thermodynamic quantities estimated from in-situ measurements be extensively used to characterise building elements during energy simulations?
Read moreCan thermodynamic quantities estimated from in-situ measurements be extensively used to characterise building elements during energy simulations? Errors and uncertainties in in-situ measurements and parameter estimation processes Virginia Gori Reliable…
W8LP4 – MRes Project “Cooling Culture: The identification of, and barriers to, adaptive responses to domestic overheating”
Read moreCooling Culture: The identification of, and barriers to, adaptive responses to domestic overheating Daniel Wright, Loughborough University Overview The trend towards hotter summers and warmer winters is predicted to increase…
W7UP5 – Understanding the causes of performance issues in buildings; a student accommodation post-occupancy evaluation case study
Read moreUnderstanding the causes of performance issues in buildings; a student accommodation post-occupancy evaluation case study Anthony Marsh, UCL Energy Institute Summary The in-use performance of a student accommodation development was evaluated. This was done…
W2LP2 – What impact does a resistance path-way have on zonal air flow in naturally ventilated buildings?
Read moreWhat impact does a resistance path-way have on zonal air flow in naturally ventilated buildings? David Cunningham, Loughborough MRes EDS Introduction Historically all buildings were naturally ventilated, yet with buildings…
W3LP1 – Summertime temperatures in UK homes
Read moreSummertime temperatures in UK homes Arash Beizaee, Loughborough University This project has has been published in the Journal of Building and Environment 2013; Vol 65: pp 1-17. Available at: Abstract This…
W3LP4 – Temperature Variations in Heated UK Homes
Read moreTemperature Variations in Heated UK Homes Ashley Morton, Loughborough University Introduction The domestic sector accounted for 30.5% of the 2010 final UK energy consumption (DECC, 2011), of which around 66%…
W3UP2 – Investigation of the key drivers influencing the uptake of energy-efficient durables
Read moreInvestigation of the key drivers influencing the uptake of energy-efficient durables Joel Guilbaud, UCL Introduction My research investigates the key reasons that influence the uptake of energy-efficient measures by using…
W2LP9 – Reducing Heat Demand of UK Schools: Maximising efficient use of heating controls.
Read moreReducing Heat Demand of UK Schools: Maximising efficient use of heating controls. James Hedger, Loughborough Space heating in school buildings accounts for 60% of their energy consumption. The UK school…
W7LP2 – MRes project: ‘Smart’, remote monitoring of house fabric thermal performance: is it feasible?
Read more‘Smart’, remote monitoring of house fabric thermal performance: is it feasible? Kostas Chasapis, Loughborough Summary The co-heating test offers a means for estimating the operational heat loss coefficient (HLC) of…
W2LP3 – Delivering energy efficiency in the UK through Domestic Energy Service Companies (DESCOs)
Read moreDelivering energy efficiency in the UK through Domestic Energy Service Companies (DESCOs) Charlie Morris-Marsham, UCL Research Questions: What are the barriers to domestic energy efficiency? Can these barriers be addressed…
W1UP3 – Mapping thermal discomfort responses in residential environments
Read moreMapping thermal discomfort responses in residential environments Stephanie Gauthier, UCL Thermal comfort has widespread implications, including health and energy demand, yet little is known about the interrelation between thermal-discomfort responses…
W6UP5 – Life in the gap: how does a construction company respond to the challenge of targets for energy and carbon in-use?
Read moreLife in the gap: how does a construction company respond to the challenge of targets for energy and carbon in-use? Catherine Willan, UCL Energy Institute Background to the research: Buildings…