Virginia Gori

Virginia Gori

Research Associate

Virginia Gori

Research Associate
UCL Energy Institute


Virginia Gori is a Research Fellow at the UCL Energy Institute, and recipient of an EPSRC Doctoral Prize fellowship funding her post-doctoral research.

Virginia’s PhD thesis, titled “A novel method for the estimation of thermophysical properties of walls from short and seasonal-independent in-situ surveys”, combined Bayesian statistics, building physics and physical monitoring of in-situ buildings to evaluate the thermophysical performance of building elements.

Virginia has a keen interest in exploring the physics of buildings by means of monitoring campaigns, modelling and data analysis. She is also interested in energy demand reduction in the built environment and sustainable design, both at the urban and building level. Virginia’s research interests build on her engineering background, her master of research in energy demand studies, and previous research on the energy demand of urban neighbourhoods.








  • Gori, V., Biddulph, P., Elwell, C., Scott, C., Rye, C., Lowe, R., Oreszczyn, T. 2014. Seasonal factors influencing the estimation of the U-value of a wall. Proceedings of the 2nd Building Simulation and Optimization (BSO14) conference. Oral presentation. The paper received the 3rd place Best Paper Award.





  • – Software for transient thermal performance analysis of buildings for the assessment of building-plant system energy sustainability, written in collaboration with Dr Luca Citi.






UCL congratulates another LoLo PhD success

UCL congratulates another LoLo PhD success

WPUP3 – Can thermodynamic quantities estimated from in-situ measurements be extensively used to characterise building elements during energy simulations?

W5UP9 – A novel method for the estimation of thermophysical properties of walls from short and seasonal-independent in-situ surveys
