Reader, Energy and the Built Environment
David Shipworth
Reader, Energy and the Built Environment
UCL Energy Institute
David’s primary research interests are in energy and sustainability assessment methods and modelling for buildings.
More specificially he is interested in the following areas:
Environmental impact assessment methods for buildings (particularly Life Cycle Assessment based approaches and their extensions).
Development of empirically based statistical models of energy use in homes (particularly use of graphical statistical models like Bayesian Networks).
Modelling the role of occupant behaviour and its influence on energy use in homes.
Researching and modelling instrument, aleatory and epistemic uncertainty and its impacts on our understanding of building energy use at buliding and stock levels.
Use of complex adaptive systems theory and methods (particularly landscape theory and random field theory) in modelling energy use in, and the environmental impact of, buildings.
Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research design and methods.
Epistemologically David is interested in the nature of modelling and how it constructs and constrains our understanding of the world.