Doctoral Researcher (MPhil/PhD)
Matej Gustin
Doctoral Researcher (MPhil/PhD)
Loughborough University
Matej is a doctoral researcher at Loughborough University, with an interest in forecasting models and machine learning. His research is focused on the prediction of summertime indoor temperatures and overheating risk. He joined the London-Loughborough (LoLo) EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand in 2015 and completed the MRes in Energy Demand Studies in 2016. He also worked part-time as a University Teacher (2016-2018).
Prior to this, he worked as a project engineer in the civil department of a multinational company in the field of steel and aluminium plant-making (2013-2015). During his studies, he worked part-time in an architecture and engineering firm in Italy (2012) and as a substitute teacher of Mathematics and Physics at a secondary school of science with Slovenian teaching language (2012). He got a BSc in Building Engineering and an MSc with honours in Civil Engineering from the University of Trieste (2013).
Research Interests
- Forecasting models
- Programming and machine learning
- Prediction and mitigation of domestic overheating risk
- M. Gustin, R.S. McLeod, K.J. Lomas, Forecasting indoor temperatures during heatwaves using time series models, Building and Environment, 143 (2018) pp. 727–739. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.07.045.
- M. Gustin, R.S. Mcleod, K.J. Lomas, Prediction of Internal Temperatures During Hot Summer Conditions with Time Series Forecasting Models, in: Proceedings of BSO 2018: the 4th IBPSA-England Conference on Building Simulation and Optimization, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2018: pp. 451–458. http://www.ibpsa.org/?page_id=1039
- M. Gustin, P.R. Fleming, D. Allinson, S. Watson, Modelling Surface Temperatures on 3G Artificial Turf, in: Proceedings of ISEA 2018: the 12th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, Brisbane, Australia, 2018: p. 279. doi:10.3390/proceedings2060279.
- M. Gustin, A. Oraiopoulos, R.S. Mcleod, K.J. Lomas, A new empirical model incorporating spatial interpolation of meteorological data for the prediction of overheating risks in UK dwellings, in: Proceedings of PLEA 2017: the 33rd Passive and Low Energy Architecture International Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2017: pp. 3786–3793. https://plea2017.net/.