PhD Graduate
Joynal Abedin
PhD Graduate
Loughborough University
Joynal is an Electronic Engineer by professional training and has substantial industrial Research & Development experience. He was awarded a prestigious industrial sponsorship by Thorn EMI Electronics Defence Group (now Thales) and studied MEng & BEng (Hons) degrees in Electronic and Electrical Engineering. After graduation, he completed a two year IEE accredited professional industrial training programme. Recently, Joynal has completed a Master of Research (MRes) degree in Energy Demand Studies in the Built Environment at Loughborough University.
Joynal has over eight years industrial experience and held Senior R&D Engineering posts within major companies including Marconi Communications, Thales and Filtronic. He has considerable experience in business development and management, gained from various business ventures in which he was involved.
Joynal’s PhD research topic is:
‘Domestic Energy Storage: A study of the present and future benefits and impacts.’
Areas of research interest include:
Domestic building energy simulation & modelling
Dynamic modelling of domestic buildings
Demand side management
Energy demand reduction techniques
Domestic renewable energy technologies
solar energy (PV and solar thermal)
Energy storage technologies
Micro wind energy
Thermal energy storage
Micro-generation intermittenecy
Thermal energy storage material
Phase change materials (PCM)
PhD Thesis: Thermal energy storage in residential buildings: a study of the benefits and impacts