Doctoral Researcher (MPhil/PhD)
Jessica Few
Doctoral Researcher (MPhil/PhD)
UCL Energy Institute
My research focusses on ventilation in occupied homes. Adequate ventilation is essential for good indoor air quality, but too much ventilation increases the energy required to keep a building warm in the winter. My research has studied several dwellings in detail and has focussed on measurement of ventilation rate in occupied homes, factors affecting adequacy of ventilation and how technical and social factors combine in influencing ventilation rates.
Prior to joining LoLo, I worked at the National Physical Laboratory working on the quantification of atmospheric emissions of gases from industrial processes. I graduated from Durham University with a Master’s degree in Physics in 2013.
Research interests:
- Ventilation and indoor air quality in dwellings
- Sociotechnical research
- Empirical research focussed on ventilation
- Trickle vents
Few, J., Allinson, D. and Elwell, C. (2019) ‘Airtightness and non-uniformity of ventilation rates in a naturally ventilated building with trickle vents’, in 40th AIVC Conference, 8th TightVent Conference, 6th Venticool Conference, pp. 527–536.
Few, J. and Elwell, C. (2019) ‘Measuring the ventilation rate in occupied buildings and adapting the CO2 tracer gas technique’, in 40th AIVC Conference, 8th TightVent Conference, 6th Venticool Conference, pp. 517–526.