Research Associate, Buildings (Domestic Energy & Behaviour)
Mike Fell
Research Associate, Buildings (Domestic Energy & Behaviour)
UCL Energy Institute
Mike Fell researches the public acceptability of domestic demand-side response (DSR).
Prior to joining the London-Loughborough CDT Mike was the energy commissioning editor at Earthscan (a leading publisher of books and journals in sustainability). He graduated from the University of Southampton in 2004 with a BSc in Marine Science with French.
Mike has a keen interest in research/policy engagement, and regularly organize events bringing academics and policymakers together. From March to June 2013 he undertook a POST/EPSRC Fellowship in the House of Commons Library, briefing Members of Parliament on subjects in science and the environment.
Together with colleagues Mike also set up and coordinates the UCL-Energy Social Sciences Group which aims to bring together researchers across UCL with an interest in people and energy.
After finishing his PhD Mike is now back at UCL Energy Institute, working as a research associate at the RCUK Centre for Energy Epidemiology. His focus is on behaviour and energy use in homes.
UCL congratulates another LoLo PhD success – news item
Refereed articles
Fell, M. J., Shipworth, D., Huebner G. M. and C. Elwell (in press). “Public acceptability of domestic demand-side response in Great Britain: The role of automation and direct load control”. Energy Research & Social Science.
Fell, M. J., Shipworth, D., Huebner G. M. and C. Elwell, 2015. “Knowing Me, Knowing You: The role of trust, locus of control and privacy concern in acceptance of domestic electricity demand-side response”. eceee 2015 Summer Study on energy efficiency, Presqu’île de Giens, France, 1-5 June 2015.
Fell, M. J., Shipworth, D., Huebner G. M. and C. Elwell, 2014. “Exploring perceived control in domestic electricity demand-side response” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 26(10): 1118-1130.
Fell, M. J., and L. F. Chiu, 2014. “Children, Parents and Home Energy Use: Exploring Motivations and Limits to Energy Demand Reduction” Energy Policy 65 (February 2014): 351–358.
Other (reports/conference papers/presentations/posters)
Fell, M. J., Shipworth, D., Huebner G. M. and C. Elwell, 2015. “What affects people’s locus of control in relation to home energy use?” 11th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Groningen, Netherlands.
Fell, M. J., Nicolson, M., Huebner, G. M. and D. Shipworth, 2015. “Is it time? Consumers and time of use tariffs” Report to Smart Energy GB. UCL Energy Institute, London, UK.
Fell, M. J., Shipworth, D., Elwell, C. and G. M. Huebner, 2014. “Measuring people’s perceived control in domestic demand-side response: scale development”, Behave Energy Conference 2014, Oxford, UK.
Fell, M. J., Shipworth, D., Elwell, C. and G. M. Huebner, 2014. “Out of Control, Out of the Question? Views on perceived control in domestic demand side response”, 2nd Energy and Society Conference, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Fell, M. J., Shipworth, D., Elwell, C. and G. M. Huebner, 2014. “Who Has The Power? Exploring perceived control in domestic demand side response”, Smart Grids and the Social Sciences workshop, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim.
Fell, M. J., 2013. “Perceived personal control and energy demand side management”, 19th Annual SPRU DPhil Day, University of Sussex.
Fell, M. J., 2013. “Who has the power?: Concepts of “control” in home energy use”, Lancaster University Sociology Department’s Summer Conference, Lancaster University.
Fell, M. J., 2012. “What Role for Home Energy Monitors in Primary School Energy Education?”, Agency Conference 2012, University of Cambridge.
Fell, M. J., 2012. “What Role for Home Energy Monitors in Primary School Energy Education? A Pilot Study (summary and initial results), Postgraduate symposium on household energy consumption, technology and efficiency, University of Birmingham.
House of Commons Library Standard Notes
I have contributed to publicly available Parliamentary briefing documents on the following subjects:
Food Banks and Food Poverty
Shale Gas and Fracking
Smart Meters
Nuclear Power
Thorium Energy