Ella Quigley

Ella Quigley

PhD Graduate

Ella Quigley

PhD Graduate
Loughborough University


I have a background in mechanical engineering but I have long been interested in building energy use and sustainability.  This led me to join the LoLo CDT at Loughborough University, where I undertook an MSc in Low Carbon Building Design and Modelling, followed by a PhD concerning the energy and thermal performance of steel modular residential buildings in the UK.  

I completed my PhD in August 2016; I am currently writing research papers about energy use and overheating in my case study buildings, and beginning to look for an interesting career in building performance and sustainability.

PhD Thesis: The energy and thermal performance of UK modular residential buildings

Since finishing my PhD I have worked briefly as a researcher in thermal comfort and overheating before moving on to work at the National Energy Foundation where I worked on a number of interesting projects including:

  • modelling the increase in space heating demand resulting from the removal of flammable cladding from high rise tower blocks,
  • 2D and 3D thermal bridge modelling of building junctions,
  • work on the Approved Performance Process designed at reducing the performance gap through engagement with design and construction teams, site inspections, and building measurements such as Infrared thermal imaging and energy monitoring,
  • research into new markets for the Pulse Air Test, a new method for measuring building airtightness, and
  • development of a platform for the collection, storage, viewing and analysis of data from building monitoring equipment.

I have since moved on to work as a Principal Researcher for Tata Steel, working in areas closely aligned with my PhD, including the development of:

  • new offsite manufacturing offerings,
  • new means of monitoring and controlling buildings and construction products, and
  • new means of harvesting and storing energy using construction products.


W1LP1 – Sensitivity and Uncertainty in BREDEM-8 Predictions

W1LP4 – Offsite Modular Construction and Low Energy, Comfortable Homes

W1LP4 – Offsite Modular Construction and Low Energy, Comfortable Homes
