David Veitch

David Veitch

Doctoral Researcher (MPhil/PhD)

David Veitch

Doctoral Researcher (MPhil/PhD)
UCL Energy Institute


Graduated from the University of Durham in 2006 with an MEng degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Employed as a Building Services Consultant at AECOM (formerly Faber Maunsell) for 4 years, with design experience ranging from new build financial towers to listed building refurbishment to public sector schools/hospitals and luxury residential.

Research interests:

Empirical measurement & delivered performance of building energy systems
Building services control systems

Veitch, D., Mahkamov, K., 2009. Assessment of economical and ecological benefits from deployment of a domestic CHP unit based on its experimental performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy.


W2UP7 – How can high-resolution temperature traces be used to assess building thermal performance?

W2UP16 – Developing improved methods for measurement of ventilation rates in occupied dwellings
