Doctoral Researcher (MPhil/PhD)
Clare Hanmer
Doctoral Researcher (MPhil/PhD)
UCL Energy Institute
Clare worked for 10 years at the Carbon Trust, contributing to innovation support programmes and strategy development across a wide range of low carbon technologies. She managed a programme investigating the challenges and opportunities for low carbon refurbishment of non-domestic buildings and led the Carbon Trust input to a European strategy for wave and tidal energy deployment.
Clare has a degree in engineering from Cambridge University and worked initially in the industrial gases industry. In 2003 she gained an MSc in Renewable Energy from the University of Reading and in 2014-15 she pursued her interest in the social aspects of energy demand by studying for an MSc in Energy and Society at the University of Durham.
Hanmer, C., Shipworth, D., Shipworth, M., Carter,E. 2018. How household thermal routines shape UK home heating patterns. Energy Efficiency pp1-13.
Hanmer, C. and Abram, S., 2017. Actors, networks, and translation hubs: Gas central heating as a rapid socio-technical transition in the United Kingdom. Energy Research & Social Science, 34, pp.176-183.
Hanmer, C., Shipworth, D., Shipworth, M., Carter,E. 2017. Household thermal routines and their impact on space heating demand patterns. ECEEE Summer Study 2017 Proceedings.
Hanmer, C. 2017. Variation in UK home heating temperature set points 7th Masters Conference: People and Buildings NCEUB