LoLo is the London-Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand, and our core focus is on energy use in buildings. LoLo is a collaboration between the UCL Energy Institute and Loughborough University.
Our students are among the brightest in the field, the energy leaders and pioneers of tomorrow. Our Annual Colloquium, to be held on 19 November 2015, is your opportunity to meet with them, their academic supervisors and our industrial partners, and to hear about the latest insights and findings from energy demand research and how our other stakeholders are already making use of them.
The keynote address at this year’s colloquium will be given by Tyler Bryant, Energy Policy Analyst – Project Manager, Energy Efficiency Unit, International Energy Agency, since January 2014. Responsible for the Energy Efficiency Market Report 2014. Tyler will talk about the role of energy efficiency in addressing global energy and carbon challenges.
You will also have an opportunity to participate in discussions led by LoLo Directors Professor Robert Lowe and Professor Kevin Lomas, to network with other industry players and to identify research opportunities and potential collaborations for your own organisation.
We look forward to seeing you at the Senate House of the University of London on the 19 November!
Download the full programme [PDF]
For more information contact Mae Oroszlany