We are looking for a new logo for our new EPSRC CDT in Energy Resilience and the Built Environment (ERBE)!
Win £150 cash prize in our LOGO COMPETITION!
Show us your creative side and help us to create a new logo for the new EPSRC ERBE (Energy Resilience and the Built Environment) CDT.
The vision of the new EPSRC CDT in Energy Resilience and the Built Environment (ERBE) is: ‘To train innovative leaders with the expertise, multidisciplinary and workplace skills to transform the relationship between buildings and the energysystem, to massively increase flexibility and resilience, reduce demand and provide low carbon, affordable, healthy and productive places to live and work’.
See the attached poster for further information and guidelines.
Good luck!
New Deadline to submit your Logo design: 22 February 2019

8th February 2019
Categories:News, Latest News, News & Events, UCL News, Loughborough News