The UCL Energy Institute is seeking applications for a fully funded studentship on the topic: “Analysis of high resolution energy data from public sector buildings”
Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand (LoLo CDT), the PhD would operate alongside current collaborative research with the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) on the development of energy benchmarks for UK buildings.
The LoLo CDT provides world-class PhD training, including opportunities to work with leading researchers, placements with industry and a comprehensive skills and development programme. As a student joining the LoLo CDT at UCL you will join an active research group, in a unique student-focused environment with ample opportunities to engage with leading researchers, industry and policy makers. In addition to the university doctoral training requirements, LoLo students take part in an exciting range of activities, ranging from residential events and group projects, to conferences and careers events.
Our four-year funded PhD programme combines a one year Master of Research (MRes) and three year doctorate (PhD). This structure builds a firm foundation of skills, knowledge and research experience, steadily progressing into world-leading research.
About the project
Supervisors: Prof Paul Ruyssevelt from UCL Energy Institute will be supervise the project.
Studentship: The studentship will cover home fees and enhanced tax-free stipend of approx. £18,000 per year (for eligible applicants for 4 years (start date September 2018), along with a substantial budget for research, travel, and centre activities. Applicants should meet the EPSRC eligibility criteria
Local authorities are in a strong position to lead on carbon emission reductions toward achieving national climate change targets by reducing energy demand in the buildings they own and operate. To date much of the effort in this sector has relied on comparisons of performance with annual energy use intensity benchmarks (in kWH/m2) to identify opportunities for energy demand reductions. For the first time in the UK high resolution data will be made available from over 5,000 public sector buildings, including offices, schools, leisure facilities and many other building types. An initial study of annual data from these buildings will have been completed in which energy use intensity benchmarks are developed for each building type.
The MRes and PhD would undertake analysis of high resolution energy data for electricity, gas, water, heat and renewable energy generation based on fiscal meters. Sub-metering data will not be included. High resolution data will typically be half-hourly data but it could also include data frequencies from 5 to 60 minutes.
It is expected that the hi-res data analysis will include parametric studies related to:
- Data outside tolerance expectations
- Building size
- Operational hours
- Mixed use buildings
- Statistical patterns of energy consumption variations
- Sample sizes for building types
- Apportionment of main energy sources
- Heating method, including
- Traditional fossil fuel based heating systems
- All electric buildings
- Renewable energy contribution
Potential outputs would include:
– Typical and good practise energy consumption/demand profiles for varying building types.
– Methodology for comparison of future data to typical and good practise profiles
– Varying time frames, e.g. daily, weekly, monthly
– Seasonal variations
– New build construction profiles
Access to the actual buildings would be constrained by the widespread geographic locations but access will be available to the energy managers in each of the relevant local authorities.
Personal specficiation of applicant (specific skills required)
We are ideally seeking highly motivated applicants with good degrees (min 2:1) in a quantitative subject.
The successful candidate is expected to possess the following qualities:
– Strong numeric skills
– Previous experience of data analysis (of similar scale and/or complexity)
– Interest in, and preferably some understanding of, non-domestic buildings.
How to apply
Your pre-application should be submitted by email direct to the LoLo Centre Manager Mae Oroszlany (
The application should include the following:
– A covering letter clearly stating your motivation, and stating your understanding of eligibility according to these guidelines
– CV
– Names and addresses of two academic referees
– A copy of your degree certificate(s) and transcript(s) of degree(s),
Deadline to submit the pre-application documents: 4PM Thursday 26 July 2018
Interviews will be held at the UCL Energy Institute, 14 Upper Woburn Place, Euston, London, WC1H 0NN. DATE: TBC
Following the interview, the successful candidate will be invited to make a formal application to the UCL Research Degree programme. Further guidance will be provided. For any further details regarding the project contact Prof Paul Ruyssevelt; for further details about the LoLo CDT and our programme, please contact Dr Jenny Love