Paula Morgenstern and Sofie Pelmakers attended the ceremony held at Senate House on the 7th of September 2017. Following the ceremony, the graduates and families were welcomed for a congratulatory drinks reception with UCL-Energy staff and students, held at Central House, home of the Institute and of the LoLo CDT based at UCL.
Particularly striking was the diversity of PhD theses. Professor Robert Lowe, LoLo CDT Centre Director (UCL) in his speech made at the Central House reception said:
And this spread of work, all in the area of energy, but so varied, is a testament to the diversity of the UCL Energy Institute and the fascinating people who apply to do PhDs with us. It has been a great to have you with us, and I hope that we can maintain the links between us in the coming years, regardless of where your future careers take you. In the meantime, let us celebrate.
Paula Morgenstern, completed her PhD at UCL-Energy as part of the London – Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand (LoLo CDT) thesis ‘Understanding hospital electricity use: an end-use(r) perspective’ looked at improving the understanding of hospital electricity use from an end-use perspective and to determine the theoretical reduction potential from behaviour change for different hospital types and areas.
Sofie Pelsmakers, who also completed her PhD with a studentship from LoLo CDT, wrote her thesis ‘Pre-1919 suspended timber ground floors in the UK: estimating in-situ U-values and heat loss reduction potential of interventions’ focussing on testing floor heat-flow theory and testing and refining measuring methods, practices and analysis techniques for uninsulated and insulated floors.
In addition to Professor Lowe’s words, the Institute and LoLo CDT would like to wish Paula, Sofie along with other UCL Energy graduates the very best with their future careers.