The London – Loughborough Centre for Doctoral Research in Energy Demand (LoLoCDT), formerly known as the UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment, has recently undergone a rebranding exercise.
LoLo engaged a team of design consultants and web developers to help position the Centre within the energy research context. The result of the collaborative process was a new brand (The London-Loughborough Centre for Doctoral Research in Energy Demand) which reflects our mission and values and will help build our reputation as a world-class centre for doctoral research in energy demand.
We are also pleased to announce the launch of the new Centre website which aims to create a vibrant, multidisciplinary online community, where researchers, students and external partners (from industry and government etc.) can meet to discuss energy demand research. Students will use this as a global platform to disseminate their research.
The website will prove especially useful in supporting a centre which is spread over two separate geographical locations.