UCL News

  • Smart Meters – how can we ensure consumers win? Lisa Gobio-Thomas reports

    Lisa Gobio-Thomas, a Doctoral Researcher at UCL Energy Institute attended the All Party Intelligent Energy Group (PRASEG) meeting on Smart…

  • LoLo students attend Cambridge Summer Event

    Students from the London-Loughborough Centre (LoLo) for Doctoral Research in Energy Demand attended the annual Summer Event on 28th and…

  • Nafsika Drosou, a LoLo MRes student recently attended the IBPSA CFD Summer Seminar

    The English chapter summer event of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) took place in June 20, 2012 at…

  • UCL-Energy Students Launch Social Sciences Group

    The UCL Energy Institute hosted the launch of the UCL-Energy Social Sciences Group on the evening of Wednesday 13th June.…

  • Jenny Love, a PhD student at the UCL Energy Institute, explains how writing a blog complements her studies and boosts her employability

    The benefits of blogging – UCL-Energy PhD student Jenny discusses how blogging complements her studies! http://bit.ly/MqPM5o. Read more about Jenny’s LoLo…

  • What is the Green Deal? LoLo students, Peter Warren and Jenny Love explain!

    What is the Green Deal? LoLo students, Peter Warren and Jenny Love explain the Green Deal with help from with…

  • LoLo student Mike Fell recently attended the Agency Conference 2012 at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge

    The UCL Energy Institute is a multidisciplinary department where it is common to hear energy issues discussed by engineers, physicists, architects and…

  • Can science save the economy? By LoLo student Paula Morgenstern

    LoLo student Paula Morgenstern attended the Cheltenham Science Festival via a grant received from the UCL Graduate School. Read her…

  • Sustainability: Concepts and Materiality – A one day interdisciplinary workshop on sustainability

    By LoLo student Faye Wade What does it mean to be sustainable? What enables or hinders sustainable behaviour?A one day…

  • A brief account of the CLUES: Energy in the Locality conference which took place at UCL

    A brief account of the CLUES: Energy in the Locality conference which took place at UCL on Tuesday 8 May…
