Author archive for Karen Holmes

  • Loughborough congratulates its first LoLo PhD success

    Following three years of hard graft, Dan Quiggin passed his viva with just minor corrections on September 22nd. His thesis…

  • Research by LoLo student (Arash Beizaee) underpins report by UK Committee on Climate Change

    Research by LoLo student (Arash Beizaee) underpins report by UK Committee on Climate Change The progress report of the Committee…

  • A LoLo Student Enters a World of Daylight

    A LoLo student enters the world of Daylight The bulk of research during the first months of a doctorate involves…

  • Loughborough Student Airtightness Videos

    During the first semester of the MRes at Loughborough University, students made videos to communicate the principles of airtightness and…

  • Energy Demand in Context – A week in Loughborough

    On Monday 22nd September we (the students from the UCL side of the London-Loughborough Centre for Doctoral Research in Energy…

  • A box in a box in a box… CDT visit to the Salford Energy House, 4/2/13

    Do you know the movie ‘The Truman Show’? Remember the scene in which Truman alias Jim Carrey discovers that it…

  • Postgraduate students involved in energy research bid farewell to 2012: the MEGS III Christmas Conference

    As seen on the welcome page of the MEGS website ‘’the Midlands Energy Graduate School (MEGS) is an exciting collaboration…
