Thursday, 8 November 2018 13:00 to 19:30 (GMT) – The Building Centre, Store Street, London
LoLo is the London-Loughborough EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand – a collaboration between the UCL Energy Institute and Loughborough University. Its aim is to help deliver deep reductions in CO2 emissions by 2050 through an innovative, multi- disciplinary, high impact research and training programme. The Centre’s core focus is on the energy performance of buildings, and their multiple interactions with people and the wider energy system.
Our next Annual Colloquium will be held on the 8 November 2018. Our students are among the brightest in the field, working on topics of profound practical importance; the energy leaders and pioneers of tomorrow who will take on senior roles in academia, industry, commerce, and policy formulation. The conference is your opportunity to meet with them, their academic supervisors and our industrial partners, to hear about and discuss the latest insights and findings in energy demand research, and to contribute to their work.
Keynote speaker: Paul Deane, MaREI Centre, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork
Title: Opportunities and challenges in decarbonising heat
By Paul Deane, MaREI Centre, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork
Climate change is unequivocally underway due to the burning of fossil fuels, manufacturing and intensive agriculture. Decarbonising the energy system requires radical changes to how we generate and utilise electricity, heat and transport posing significant technical, political and societal challenges. Addressing climate change also provides many opportunities for cleaner air, reduced illnesses and improved energy security.
The challenges associated with climate change mitigation are sometimes oversimplified, but pretending it is easy just makes it harder. One of the main simplifications is that the solution is to maximise efficiency, decarbonise electricity and electrify everything. Most least cost decarbonisation analyses indicate that electricity will grow from 20% of energy use currently to 30% – 40% by 2050. Some recent studies point to a possible increase to 60% of energy end use.
This presentation will explore options for decarbonising heat encompass demand reduction measures, energy efficiency measures (new building regs and retrofitting), and decarbonising thermal energy supply (electrification plus decarbonisating electricity, renewable gas, hydrogen, etc.). It will highlight a number of key challenges and opportunities.
Speakers Biography:
Paul Deane is a Research Fellow the MaREI centre in University College Cork, Ireland. He is also a fellow at the Payne Institute, Colorado School of Mines and is the 2018 Royal Irish Academy’s Speaker in Computer Science He has been working in the energy industry for approximately 15 years in both commercial and academic research. He has published over 80 papers and is a co-author of a Book-Europe’s Energy Transition. His research focuses on clean energy and methods to understand future energy systems with a focus on EU climate and energy policy. He is a member of a number of European multidisciplinary think-tanks and scientific advisor to European energy projects. He is an active contributor to European policy thinking on renewable energy.
Paul’s research interests are Energy and Power systems modelling, Energy Economics and Policy, Energy storage and Wind Resource Assessment. Follow his research and blogs by joining him on LinkedIn.
A full list of Paul’s up-to-date publications can be seen at his google scholar page.