We are pleased to announce that the ‘8th Annual ERBE-LoLo Conference for Early Career Researcher will be held online on Thursday 27th May.
The ‘8th Annual ERBE-LoLo Conference for Early Career Researchers: How the Built Environment can Contribute to the Clean Energy Transition’ is facilitated jointly by the EPSRC and SFI Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Resilience and the Built Environment (ERBE), and the London-Loughborough (LoLo) EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand.
We are currently inviting abstracts of 250 words for 10-minute presentations (+ 5-minute Q&A), as well as submissions of posters to be exhibited during an interactive poster session. The deadline for submissions is Friday 16th April. Please submit enquiries here for posters and presentation abstracts.
Our focus revolves around the upcoming COP26 hosted in Glasgow, as such we seek students and researchers with research interests or expertise in areas related but not limited to the following themes:
Adaptation and Resilience -helping communities adapt to the impacts of climate change by delivering support & expertise to improving climate adaptation and building resilience, particularly for those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Natural – carbon sinks like the ocean, peatlands and forests can go some way in reducing global emissions, while nature-based solutions, such as protecting and restoring forests, wetland and coastal ecosystems, can help humanity adapt and build resilience in the face of climate change.
Energy Transition To meet the Paris Agreement’s goals, we need the global transition to clean power to be at least four times faster than it is at present. Deep retrofit and mass upgrades of the building stock is necessary to achieve this target.
Clean Road Transport – Global emissions from road transport are rising faster than in any other sector. Road transport accounts for over 10% of global emissions, as well as causing high levels of local air pollution. The role that zero-emissions vehicles could play in household flexibility and community energy may be vital to future energy resilience.
Finance – The long-term transition to a net-zero and resilient future requires trillions of dollars of investment and an unprecedented shift in the global financial system. This transition presents immense economic and development opportunities, yet today there is a huge gap between the needs and actual finance flows.
Alongside those who wish to present and exhibit posters, we welcome general attendance of those who wish to engage with questions surrounding energy research. The day will include presentations featuring a keynote speech (speaker TBC), a poster session and networking opportunities.
Event registration and submission details can be found here or enquire at loloconference@gmail.com