
The London-Loughborough (LoLo) EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand is set to reshape how we think about energy.

Our world needs new, clean ways to generate energy. But as economies slow and belts are tightened, governments and businesses are focusing on the other side of the energy equation: how to use less, rather than how to make more.

That is why energy demand research is emerging as a vital area of study in the development of policy and business strategy. It connects science and engineering with economics, policy-making, psychology, sociology and design, to develop knowledge and ideas that will lead to real, long-lasting, large-scale solutions.

The London-Loughborough Centre, a partnership between UCL and Loughborough University, is the new UK centre for energy demand research.

We offer researchers a novel learning structure in which to make those connections with other disciplines. Before embarking on their three-year PhD, students undertake a one-year MRes course that allows them time to absorb the context of energy demand studies and to pick up the rules, tools and methods that can support powerful, influential research.

Become a student

LoLo CDT will NOT be recruiting for studentships for 2019/20 and onwards.
Follow Twitter feed @ERBECDT for news on specific Studentship projects related to our new Centre ERBE CDT.


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